



no image
前回の記事で記載したようにChromeでサイト管理しています。登録したブックマークをファイル化・フォルダ化して出力したかったのですが、今ある機能では「bookmarks_2020_0 ...




Option Explicit

Function ReadFile_ScriptingFileSystemObject(ByVal filePath)
	Const TristateFalse = .0
	Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Dim ObjInputFile : Set ObjInputFile = ObjFSO.OpenTextFile(filePath,,,TristateFalse) 'OpenTextFile(filename,[iomode,[create,[format]]])
	Dim tempString : tempString = ObjInputFile.ReadAll
	ObjInputFile.Close : Set ObjInputFile = Nothing
	Set ObjFSO = Nothing
	ReadFile_ScriptingFileSystemObject = tempString
End Function

Function ReadFile_ADODBStream(ByVal filePath)

	Dim inStream : Set inStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
	With inStream
		.charset = "UTF-8"
		.type = 2
		.LoadFromFile filePath
	End With

	Dim tempString : tempString = inStream.ReadText(-1) 'adReadAll
	inStream.Close : Set inStream = Nothing
	ReadFile_ADODBStream = tempString
End Function

Sub CreateFile(ByVal filePath)
	Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Dim ObjCreateFile : Set ObjCreateFile = ObjFSO.CreateTextFile(filePath,True,True) 'CreateTextFile(filename,[overwrite,[unicode]])
	ObjCreateFile.Close : Set ObjCreateFile = Nothing
	Set ObjFSO = Nothing
End Sub

'用途:ファイルに書き込み(テキスト、ASCII 形式、上書き)
Sub WriteFileText_ScriptingFileSystemObject(ByVal filePath,ByVal strText)
	Dim Obj01 : Set Obj01 = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
	Dim Obj02 : Set Obj02 = Obj01.OpenTextFile(filePath,8,True)
	Obj02.Close : Set Obj02 = Nothing
	Set Obj01 = Nothing
End Sub

Sub WriteFileText_ADODBStream(ByVal filePath,ByVal strText)
	Dim outStream : Set outStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
	With outStream
		.charset = "UTF-8"
		.type = 2
		.WriteText strText, 0
		.SaveToFile filePath, 2
	End With
	outStream.Close : Set outStream = Nothing
End Sub

Sub CreateShortcutFile(ByVal filePath, ByVal msiteurl)
	Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	If ObjFSO.FileExists(filePath) = True Then
		Err.Raise 4097 'Microsoft VBScript 実行時エラー
		Dim objWsh : Set objWsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		Dim objCreateShortcut : Set objCreateShortcut = objWsh.CreateShortcut(filePath)
		objCreateShortcut.TargetPath = msiteurl
		Set objWsh = Nothing
		Set objCreateShortcut = Nothing
	End If
	Set ObjFSO = Nothing
End Sub

Function ExtractReturnMatches(ByVal strPattern, ByVal bMultiLine, ByVal target)
	Dim regEx : Set regEx = New RegExp
	With regEx
		.Pattern = strPattern
		.IgnoreCase = True
		.Global = True
		.MultiLine = bMultiLine
	End With
	Dim Matches : Set Matches = regEx.Execute(target)
	Set regEx = Nothing
	Set ExtractReturnMatches = Matches
End Function

Function ExtractReturnString(ByVal strPattern, ByVal bMultiLine, ByVal strRepBefore, ByVal strRepWord)
	Dim regEx : Set regEx = New RegExp
	With regEx
		.Pattern = strPattern
		.IgnoreCase = True
		.Global = True
		.MultiLine = bMultiLine
	End With
	Dim strRepAfter : strRepAfter = regEx.Replace(strRepBefore, strRepWord)
	Set regEx = Nothing
	ExtractReturnString = strRepAfter
End Function

Sub CreateFolder(ByVal folderPath)
	Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	If ObjFSO.FolderExists(folderPath) = True Then
		Dim strText : strText = "フォルダ「" & folderPath & "」は既にあります。削除してから実行して下さい" & "→" & WScript.scriptfullname
		WScript.Echo strText
		If Err.Number = 0 Then
		End If
	End If
	Set ObjFSO = Nothing
End Sub

Sub CheckFolderExists(ByVal folderPath)
	Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	If ObjFSO.FolderExists(folderPath) = True Then
		Dim strText : strText = "フォルダ「" & folderPath & "」は既にあります。削除してから実行して下さい"
		WScript.Echo strText
	End If
	Set ObjFSO = Nothing
End Sub

Sub CheckFileExists(ByVal filePath)
	Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	If ObjFSO.FileExists(filePath) = True Then
		Dim strText : strText = "ファイル「" & filePath & "」がありません。"
		WScript.Echo strText
	End If
	Set ObjFSO = Nothing
End Sub


Sub MyselfMsgBox01(ByVal fileName,ByVal serialNo,ByVal variableName,ByVal variable)
	If 1 = 0 then
		Dim strText
		strText = strText & ""
		strText = strText & "【" & fileName & "】"
		strText = strText & "【" & serialNo & "】"
		strText = strText & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
		strText = strText & "【" & variableName & ":】"
		strText = strText & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
		strText = strText & "【" & variable & "】"
		MsgBox strText
	End If
End Sub

Sub MyselfMsgBox02(ByVal fileName,ByVal serialNo,ByVal variableName,ByVal variable)
	If 1 = 1 then
		Dim strText
		strText = strText & ""
		strText = strText & "【" & fileName & "】"
		strText = strText & "【" & serialNo & "】"
		strText = strText & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
		strText = strText & "【Len:" & Len(variable) & "】"
		strText = strText & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
		strText = strText & "【" & variableName & ":】"
		strText = strText & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
		strText = strText & "【" & variable & "】"
		MsgBox strText
	End If
End Sub

Sub WriteLogText(ByVal fileName,ByVal serialNo,ByVal variableName,ByVal variable)
	If 1 = 1 then
		Dim Obj01 : Set Obj01 = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
		Dim strText
		strText = strText & Time  & "→"
		strText = strText & "【" & fileName & "】"
		strText = strText & "【" & serialNo & "】"
		strText = strText & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
		strText = strText & "【Len:" & Len(variable) & "】"
		strText = strText & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
		strText = strText & "【" & variableName & ":】"
		strText = strText & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
		strText = strText & "【" & variable & "】"
		Dim Obj02 : Set Obj02 = Obj01.OpenTextFile("D:\Application\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "log.txt",8,True)
		Obj02.Close : Set Obj02 = Nothing
		Set Obj01 = Nothing
	End If
End Sub

Function GetCurDir()
	'FileSystemObject オブジェクト	: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/filesystemobject-object
	Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	GetCurDir               = ObjFSO.getParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
End Function

Function RunVBSFile(ByVal filePath)
	Dim objWsh : Set objWsh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	Dim returnErrNo : returnErrNo =  objWsh.Run(filePath,,True)
	Set objWsh = Nothing
	RunVBSFile = returnErrNo
End Function

Sub DisplaySelectionScreen(ByVal strText, ByVal style, ByVal title, ByVal folderPath)
	Dim Response : Response = MsgBox(strText, style, title)
	If Response = vbYes Then
	End If
End Sub

Sub DisplaySelectionScreen_Delete(ByVal folderPath)
	Dim strText
		strText = strText & ""
		strText = strText & "【" & folderPath & "】"
		strText = strText & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
		strText = strText & "Are you sure you want to delete the work files in the folder?"
		strText = strText & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

	Dim style : style = vbYesNo + vbInformation + vbDefaultButton1
	Dim title : title = "Delete Confirmation"
	Dim Response : Response = MsgBox(strText, style, title)
	If Response = vbYes Then
		Call RunDeleteFile01(folderPath)
	End If
End Sub

Function MidLeftString(ByVal sKey, ByVal eKey, ByVal target)
	Dim partMid  : partMid  = Mid(target, Len(sKey) + 1)
	Dim partLeft : partLeft = Left(partMid, Len(partMid) - Len(eKey))
	MidLeftString = partLeft
End Function

Sub RunDeleteFile01(ByVal folderPath)
	If 1 = 1 then
		Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		With ObjFSO
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile1.html" ,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile2.html" ,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile3_01.html" ,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile3_02.html" ,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile3_03_01.html" ,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile3_03_02.html" ,True
		End With
		Set ObjFSO = Nothing
	End If
End Sub

Sub RunDeleteFile02(ByVal folderPath)
	If 1 = 1 then
		Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		With ObjFSO
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "list.html" ,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_01.vbs" ,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_02.vbs" ,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_03.vbs" ,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_04.vbs" ,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_05.vbs" ,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_06.vbs" ,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_07.vbs" ,True
		End With
		Set ObjFSO = Nothing
	End If
End Sub

Sub RunDeleteFile03(ByVal folderPath)
	If 1 = 1 then
		Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
		With ObjFSO
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile4_02_01_k.html" 			,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile4_02_02_record.html" 		,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile4_03_01_k.html" 			,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile4_03_02_record.html" 		,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile4_04_mfolname.html" 		,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile4_05_joinPattern.html" 		,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile4_06_01.html" 				,True
			.DeleteFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile4_06_02_notitlelist.html" 	,True
		End With
		Set ObjFSO = Nothing
	End If
End Sub


Sub RunCopyFile_bookmark(ByVal folderPath)
	Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	With ObjFSO
		.CopyFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile3_03_01.html"	, folderPath & "\" & "bookmark" & "\" & "list.html"

		.CopyFile "D:\Application\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_01.vbs", folderPath & "\"
		.CopyFile "D:\Application\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_02.vbs", folderPath & "\"
		.CopyFile "D:\Application\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_03.vbs", folderPath & "\"
		.CopyFile "D:\Application\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_04.vbs", folderPath & "\"
		.CopyFile "D:\Application\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_05.vbs", folderPath & "\"
		.CopyFile "D:\Application\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_06.vbs", folderPath & "\"
		.CopyFile "D:\Application\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_07.vbs", folderPath & "\"
	End With
	Set ObjFSO = Nothing
End Sub

Sub RunCopyFile_otherbookmark(ByVal folderPath)
	Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	With ObjFSO
		.CopyFile folderPath & "\" & "workfile3_03_02.html"	, folderPath & "\" & "otherbookmark" & "\" & "list.html"
		.CopyFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_01.vbs"	, folderPath & "\" & "otherbookmark" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_01.vbs"
		.CopyFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_02.vbs"	, folderPath & "\" & "otherbookmark" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_02.vbs"
		.CopyFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_03.vbs"	, folderPath & "\" & "otherbookmark" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_03.vbs"
		.CopyFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_04.vbs"	, folderPath & "\" & "otherbookmark" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_04.vbs"
		.CopyFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_05.vbs"	, folderPath & "\" & "otherbookmark" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_05.vbs"
		.CopyFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_06.vbs"	, folderPath & "\" & "otherbookmark" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_06.vbs"
		.CopyFile folderPath & "\" & "bkmksopen4_07.vbs"	, folderPath & "\" & "otherbookmark" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_07.vbs"
	End With
	Set ObjFSO = Nothing
End Sub

Sub RunCopyFile_strFolder(ByVal folderPath)
	Dim ObjFSO : Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	With ObjFSO
		.CopyFile "C:\Project\Program\No00010\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_01.vbs", folderPath & "\"
		.CopyFile "C:\Project\Program\No00010\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_02.vbs", folderPath & "\"
		.CopyFile "C:\Project\Program\No00010\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_03.vbs", folderPath & "\"
		.CopyFile "C:\Project\Program\No00010\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_04.vbs", folderPath & "\"
		.CopyFile "C:\Project\Program\No00010\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_05.vbs", folderPath & "\"
		.CopyFile "C:\Project\Program\No00010\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_06.vbs", folderPath & "\"
		.CopyFile "C:\Project\Program\No00010\BookmarkMakeFile" & "\" & "bkmksopen4_07.vbs", folderPath & "\"
	End With
	Set ObjFSO = Nothing
End Sub

	'FileSystemObject オブジェクト	: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/filesystemobject-object
	'OpenTextFile 					: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/opentextfile-method
	'CreateTextFile 				: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/createtextfile-method
	'Write メソッド          		: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/write-method
	'WriteLine メソッド      		: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/writeline-method
	'Stream オブジェクト 			: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/sql/ado/reference/ado-api/stream-object-properties-methods-and-events?view=sql-server-ver15
	'Stream オブジェクト (ADO) 		: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/sql/ado/reference/ado-api/stream-object-ado?view=sql-server-ver15
	'Charset プロパティ (ADO) 		: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/sql/ado/reference/ado-api/charset-property-ado?view=sql-server-ver15
	'Mode プロパティ (ADO) 			: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/sql/ado/reference/ado-api/mode-property-ado?view=sql-server-ver15
	'Type プロパティ (ADO Stream) 	: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/sql/ado/reference/ado-api/type-property-ado-stream?view=sql-server-ver15
	'Open メソッド (ADO Stream) 	: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/sql/ado/reference/ado-api/open-method-ado-stream?view=sql-server-ver15










